Either/Or #5

5 tweets that made me smarter this week

If this is your first time: Hey, I’m Artem Zavyalov, co-founder of Highbrow, Listenable, and a lot more failed projects. Each Thursday, I share the week’s best 5 tweets that made me smarter. I do the scrolling, you get the gems. Follow me on Twitter.

Quick quiz 👇


Morgan Housel said it best about Warren Buffet: “His skill is investing, but his secret is time.” I’d add patience to that mix. Time and patience—that’s the magic of compounding.

Buffett’s worth around $132 billion today, but 99% of that came after he turned 65. So, start early and let time do its thing.

Also, check out Morgan Housel’s book “The Psychology of Money”—it’s a great read! 💸


Can't wait to talk to my doors and refrigerator! 😂

On a serious note, we're just at the start of AI making its way into our daily lives. The next 10 years are going to be super interesting.


I used to struggle with this, but now when someone is mean to me, I remind myself that it’s not personal. A content, happy person wouldn’t be mean without a reason, right? 🤔

I always think of Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”


This is how I fixed my sleep after realizing I couldn't sleep in my mid-30s the same way I did in my 20s. The same goes for alcohol and lack of exercise.

By the way, I'm starting to wean off caffeine today. The plan is to cut it out completely in 30 days. I know it’s going to be a rough month or two based on past experience, but I'm ready for a new, addiction-free life 😎


Wow, that was wild! 🤯

For context, a few days ago, OpenAI rolled out its Advanced Voice Mode. Check out the video to see how it counted to 100 as fast as possible.